It’s not always easy to cook fresh and healthy meals for your little one. But it sure is easy to get fresh and healthy baby and kids’ meals delivered to your doorstep daily! Fill up those tiny tummies with homemade, nutrient-rich meals from Baby Bar!

Mom-owned Baby Bar is an online baby and kids food delivery service that serves age-appropriate power foods that pack a big nutritional punch. At Baby Bar, everything from dips, main courses, and desserts are made from scratch every day. They use less salt, less sugar, and no preservatives in their preparations. In general, their food is appropriate for babies 6 months and older, and comes in a wide variety of textures to meet every child’s palate.

Meals from Baby Bar are a great way to explore your child’s likes and dislikes. Pick from a selection of cereals, floss, yoghurt, purees, pastas, puddings, nuggets, and many more!