* Lamkins, www.lamkins.com.sg - Educational products for kids and babies!
* Motherswork, www.motherswork.com.sg - One-stop-shop for moms and babies
* Right Brain Babies, www.rightbrainbabies.com.sg - Educational toys
* Ciinolin, www.ciinolin.com - Swaddles and more
* Pupsik Studio, www.pupsikstudio.com - Baby gifts
* Loubelou, www.loubelou.com
* Lollibox, www.lollibox.sg - Creative gift box!
* Made For Tots, www.madefortots.com - Personalized gifts for babes
* My Baby Gift, www.mybabygift.com.sg - Personalized baby gift hampers
* Tinydipity, www.tinydipity.com - Eco-finds!
* Little Prints William, www.littleprintswilliam.com - Bespoke handpainted wall-art
* The Happy Sprout, www.thehappysprout.com - Eco-finds!
* Babytown, www.babytown.com.sg
* Not In The Malls, www.notinthemalls.com
* The Better Toy Store, www.thebettertoystore.com
* Zero2Six, www.zero-six.com
* My Little Shoppers, www.mylittleshoppers.com
* Itsy Bitsy Me!, www.itsybitsyme.com
If you have more gifts you want to share that are perfect for boys, email us at editor@littlestepsasia.com! We have plenty more gift guides coming out...watch this space!
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